
Friday, August 5, 2011

Catching Up on the Bead Journal Project

I've been busy stitching this week. I cut a 2.5" x 3.5" piece out of one of the scraps Quiltdivajulie sent me and sewed an eye bead to it.

One thing led to another... black bugle beads, orange bugle beads, sequins and seed beads... and this is what I ended up with:

I'm pretty happy with it. Here's a close-up:

I got the black sequins and beads a little close to the top and bottom edges; that made it a bit of a challenge when I was blanket stitching the perimeter. ;- )

I made another ATC this week too. This one came out of what happened to the house around the corner.

The oval charms are embossed with the words love, laugh, and inspire (left to right). Hopefully this will help me remember to do what I love, laugh while I'm doing it, and be inspiring. Someone has to take over where my neighbor left off!


  1. Somehow, I just "knew" this could happen!

    So glad you are finding ways to honor your neighbor, the house, and what it meant to you.

  2. Oh my, you've been having some fun with beads! Both pieces look great! The "eye" piece looks so bright and happy. I love it. And the "house" tribute one is happy and also thoughtful. What a great reminder.

    You must have an awesome selection of beads!


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