
Friday, August 19, 2011

All Caught Up!

I am officially up to date on my bead journal projects for this year. Hurray!

There never really was one idea or thought that stood out for the month of April so I just used the idea of Spring as a starting point and this was the result:

May was actually the last ATC I made during this marathon. I had pulled some word charms and already had a couple of pieces of fabric cut for potential foundations but none of that ended up in the final product. I put on the audio book version of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (courtesy of my friend C~) and this is what I ended up with:

I've decided to call it "Let the Magic Happen"

Finally, my BJP for August:

This is the one that started the recent beadwork marathon. It was my response to a challenge my little art group set for ourselves back in June. We called it "The Bob Project." The idea was to use our husbands as inspiration and make anything we wanted, any size, any medium. I knew I was behind on my ATC's for the bead journal project and thought this might be a really good way to get back into it. Obviously it worked!

My husband enjoys the macabre just as much as I do, his favorite color is black (if you can call that a color!), he loves the overcast skies we have around here so often and he loves the mountains and trees as well. Normally I use a cotton fabric for my foundations but this one is wool felt because he loves wearing wool sweaters. I think the buttons up each side might represent the suspenders he has taken to wearing lately. They just seemed to need be there.

I''m loving the way these little works of art look on their easels. One day soon I plan to create a separate page on this blog for this year's BJP and you'll be able to see them altogether. But I also have to turn my attention back to a couple of quilting projects to meet deadlines so don't hold your breath!


  1. Love the idea of a page (or linked Picasa album) to showcase each of the finished pieces on the easel ... congrats on being caught up!!

  2. Wow, "caught up" is something I'm unfamiliar with. I know the concept, but am definitely lacking in the actual accomplishment. LOL

    I think your beaded projects are fabulous! And they look so "artsy" on the little easels...I LOVE those little easels and may need to go get myself a couple! Great job on all of them. A blog page just for the beaded projects is a great idea!

  3. Really like your bead journal project. The miniature easels are so perfect for showing them.
    best, nadia

  4. Fun little pieces, and I'm sure it feels good to be caught up.

  5. The Prisoner of Azkaban is my favourite of the 7. I love that skull. Wonderful!

  6. Awesome, this seems like the kind of work that truly displays your artistry and your strengths and unique abilities to the max to me. Love them!!


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