
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Up From the Depths

At least I hope so! I'm finally beginning to feel more like myself. (Hope I didn't just jinx it.) I think I'm ready to pull my nose out of the tissue box and get started sewing again. I certainly need to start sewing again. I promised Janet I would return her Intuition Swap in another week or so and I don't feel like I have it anywhere near ready for her. I haven't finished my bead journal project for February either and here it is March. Not that that's a big deal, but I know it's there in the background, waiting for my attention.

The postcard above and the ATC below are pieces I made sometime in the last nine months but never talked about here for one reason or another. The postcard was made just for the fun of it. I must have pieced the foundation two or three years ago. The fish was part of a pair of earrings I found at the thrift shop. I would be very nervous about mailing this particular postcard because the fish's body is gentle convex curve. I can just see it snapping in two when a heavier package was dropped on it in the mailing process. It would have to go in a box rather than as is or in a bubble envelope.

I remember this ATC but I don't remember the occasion for which I made it. I'm pretty sure it was sent to someone, somewhere, for a specific reason. The foundation fabric was a tiny bit of silk tie with those colored pencils woven into it. I surrounded it with a bit of quilter's cotton in the floral print, then added the sequins and beads to disguise the seam lines.

It may not have shown up on my blog because it was a surprise for someone and I didn't want them to see it before receiving it. Hopefully they're enjoying it! I do remember that I had fun making it. :- )


  1. You sent it to me! And I treasure it!

  2. Both of these are wonderful!

    Love how you used a bit of a tie ...

  3. These two pieces are just gorgeous. I love those pencils.

    I hope you're on the road to recovery. Michael is talking about visiting his grandchildren and I asked him if he's ready to get sick again. Of course he said yes. It's a good thing those little munchkins are so cute, because they are germy.

  4. What neat ATC's! That second one really appeals to me.

    Hope you are truly feeling better and back at the sewing machine.:)

  5. Great to see these lovely pieces and that you are starting to feel better. I'm better now too, allergy season is finally over here where I live.

  6. Glad to hear you're starting to feel good again. I had my fingers crossed that we wouldn't come down with something after the DGDs visited last week!

    Your beaded pieces are just beautiful! Thanks for sharing them with us.


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