
Friday, February 4, 2011

New Beginnings

I feel as though I've been in kind of a fog lately. I think it's lifting.

Looking back it would seem that I have been in serious need of inspiration. The kind you get from a trip out of town or by taking a class. DD and I took the twins to a Build A Bear Workshop for their first birthday - not that they had a clue what it was all about but DD and I sure enjoyed ourselves. I hadn't realized how hungry I was for visual stimulation until later that day when we made a brief visit to a Target as well. So much color! So many new things! The best part was that while I did suffer for the excursion it could have been so much worse.

I have been reading fiction and looking at digital versions of magazines that feature the work of doll makers and mixed media artists. I can see now that I have been refilling my well. Evidence that it is working manifests as a plan for a quilt for my SIL's birthday. There's no way I can get it finished and in his hands by his birthday but the fact that I finally have a plan is heartening. I'm hoping that I'll be able to use a good many of the batiks I already own in his quilt but I did have to go out to get some lights:

This will be an easy, mindless project. (She says, thereby inviting trouble.) At least in the beginning. In fact, I will probably use the half square triangle units as leaders and enders while I work on Janet's Intuition Quilt. Before that can happen I have to do a good bit of tedious cutting. Ah, but tomorrow there's a whole line up of radio programs to listen to while I work!

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