
Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's a Sea of Scraps!

The four quadrants of my scrappy Trip Around the World are all sewn together. I believe I even managed to keep them where I intended them to be; all in their proper corners!

The top now measures 66" x 78." That's the size the old acrylic blanket was. It's generous for one person to use on the couch but not quite wide enough or long enough to officially qualify as a bed cover. My intention in the beginning was to leave the top as-is, with no border. Now I'm having second thoughts. It occurred to me that just by putting a border all the way around I could easily make this quilt top fit our double bed better. And then I thought of the prints I have in my stash that I love but that haven't yet made it into a quilt. Using them for a border and backing might turn this sea of scraps into something I will really enjoy.

What I'm still trying to puzzle out is why I don't feel a stronger affinity for this flimsy. Scrappy quilts are some of my favorites; why don't I love this one? It's not that I feel like there's anything wrong with this top, like it could have been designed better or something. I'm just not in love with it yet. This is a rare experience for me. Nearly all of my projects go through that adolescent stage where I think it's ugly or not working or whatever, but when it's done I usually have some kind of positive feelings about the end product. Right now I don't feel much of anything when I look at it, except maybe visually overwhelmed. I enjoyed making these scrappy blocks... it really hasn't been that big a trial to set them together... why am I not more enthusiastic about the results? Hopefully putting on a border and/or using long-loved prints for a back will make a difference. And, as Barbara suggests, maybe I need to take a break before I tackle that next step. Maybe, now that the scraps are put away and the table fairly clear, I could get my beads back out and do a little hand sewing.


  1. That happens, sometimes. Maybe it was meant to be a gift to someone? I think it is a lovely, the kind of quilt you can look at for a long time.

  2. I think a border might pull it all together. Maybe it's too chaotic for you right now. I love it and could spend hours just looking at the different fabrics.

  3. once you put a border on it i'm sure you will feel different about it. i think it's a happy one...k.

  4. Whoa Nelly! I'M in love with it! But then I didn't sew alllllll those parts together! Maybe you just need some space from it, a fresh perspective. Or maybe it wants to live with me?

  5. I agree with the other commenters. It's probably a bit overwhelming for you design-wise. The right (calming) border and a little time may change your view of it altogether. When I finish a UFO I often feel: wow, I really like this quilt, why didn't I finish it sooner? Obviously I didn't feel that way when I put it aside.

  6. Fun! yup, sometimes you just need to get away from a quilt for awhile. I often go through phases of hating my work.


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