
Friday, May 14, 2010

The Birthday Quilt

Well, my friends, I certainly didn't intend to be absent all week! I'm sure you all know how time gets away from us when we aren't paying attention. ;- )

I'm happy to report that I found an appropriate planter box for my Mother's Day flowers and they have been successfully transplanted. The backs of my hands are showing signs of eczema again however. I'm wondering whether there's something in the gardening gloves I use or some organic material that bothers my system. I can only hope that this outbreak will not be anywhere near as bad as the last go-round.

More good news: the birthday quilt is all finished and ready to go into a box for shipping. Here's an overall shot of the front. You should be able to click on the picture to get a larger image.

The binding is a dark red. That's a little hard to see since we took the picture against a black background. Unfortunately I didn't think to get a picture of the back in its finished state. You can see what I put together for the back here.

This quilt is very simply quilted, just some in the ditch stitching and straight lines through the centers of the crazy patch blocks. Technically I could have left the borders unquilted (I used a Warm & Natural batt which is needlefelted and doesn't require dense quilting) but in the end I felt I had to do something. Not being a free motion quilter, I dug around in my thread stash and came up with a perle cotton that was the perfect color to use in the centers of the big flowers and the suns of the border print:

So Bre will be getting a quilt that is both tied and quilted.

Now I think I'm going to see if I can find more of that lovely border print so I'll have some to play with again in the future...
:- )


  1. What a super quilt! I love the colors.

  2. Fabulous! And I adore that border fabric. Awesome!

  3. Great quilt! And I love that border fabric too! Can you tell me/us what it is? And where can we find it?? Inquiring minds want to know! Please?

  4. The quilt is a big success: it's beautiful, and the border fabric is really charming. Gotta love those cats.

  5. That ended up very nice! And was she happy with it?


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