
Friday, May 7, 2010


This just sort of says it all for me today. I've had one of those weeks where I've had occasion to run into one toxin after another without enough time inbetween to ever completely recover. I did manage to get the binding all sewn down on the birthday quilt. I'll show it to you another time, I haven't photographed it in its finished state yet. Mere existance is taking all the energy I have at the moment.

That's my sweet little Sunflower in the picture above. She really didn't want to have her picture taken that day. Her new little sisters, however, were oblivious to the camera that took this picture of them:

Betcha didn't know they made double-sided binkies! (It's not really a double-sided binkie. One of the babies is sucking on the handle.) As they mature they are looking less like identical twins. One may get the red hair so prized by members of my family. As far as I know their eyes are still on the blue/green side too. Both of their older sisters have their father's brown eyes.

In my last post I mentioned we had suffered a power outage due to high winds. The next day we had really cold temperatures - the coldest day in May on record as a matter of fact - rain, and a couple of bouts of hail. Today the sun is finally shining again and the temperatures are coming back up. I am so ready to shuck my layers and long sleeves in favor of lightweight short sleeve T-shirts!


  1. the bubs look very content sucking on their own double dummy (that's how we call them). Someone should make one just like that.
    Hope you're feeling better real soon...k.

  2. Aw, sue...sorry to hear it's been such a wretched week...we know how you feel...
    Still, lovely photos of the little ones...I'm so jealous!

  3. I hope you're feeling better soon. Theses photos of your grands are really precious.

  4. The little ones are adorable!
    Marty S
    Crackpot Beader


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