
Monday, January 4, 2010

It Feels So Good...

to finally feel good again! Let's hope when I go out this afternoon I don't blow it. ;- )

On top of feeling better physically I had an exciting experience last night. I got out my beads, thinking I would get started on my BJP piece for January. My original intention was to bead the number 2010 and then fill in around it in whatever way felt good, using white and iridescent and silver beads. Well, I just couldn't face writing out 2010 in beads. Nor could I find something in my stash that could be altered to make the appropriate numbers. I got out my little white plastic beads that already have the numbers printed on them but that didn't have the look I wanted at all. Instead of giving up (which I might have done under other circumstances) I tried to expand my concept of what the January ornament could be about.

I've been collecting face beads and charms for some time now. I have a growing collection of words and phrases too, courtesy of mostly. I decided this might be a good time to finally put some of them to use.

The photo above was taken with our big Canon Rebel. The detail shot below came from a picture I took with my new little Canon. I'm very happy with it.

As I was securing these few pieces to my foundation I felt like my inner artist or some wise part of me was communicating with me. That's the magic of working intuitively, and the magic of the Bead Journal Project. This work is more intimate than the blocks or quilts I create without a preconceived plan in mind. Finishing a quilt is very satisfying, and it feels good to know I can bless others with the work of my hands, but this bead embroidery project has the potential to be very healing. For me. And it's possible that I may have found a theme for my BJP ornaments this year. I really like the idea of using a face in each one. Whether that happens or not remains to be seen but I think there's a lot of potential there.

I forced myself to put away the beads this morning so I can focus on putting the final border on Sunflower's quilt top. This is the fabric I chose:

I think it will tie in all the other colors I used in the stars pretty well. When I was shopping for that border I also found one for the back:

I was given a big piece of a floral stripe that will run vertically down the center of the back of the quilt. I thought I would use another floral to make up the width but I couldn't find anything I liked. Then I saw these guys. Are they cute or what?! Every little girl need some goofy dragons in her flower garden!


  1. Great fabrics. Yes, every little girl needs fun fabrics like these.

    I like your idea of ornaments. I'm thinking of emroidering on felt and adding beads but hmmm, I don't like setting up our big Christmas tree since we always go out to visit our daughter soooo, maybe I should think along those ornament lines. Pick a size but not a shape and see what happens. Then maybe I could get a little 3 foot tree from walmart next year that's already lit and add these ornaments rather than lug out all our old ones. NOW I am beginning to get excited. Gotta go think about this.

    How is your daughter doing?

  2. Love the goofy dragons ... yes, every girl needs these (and the colors in the other fabric - oooooooooh!)

    So glad you are feeling good!! Yes, don't panic!


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