
Saturday, April 11, 2009


I finally managed to get the border on the Foodie Quilt:

After all that stewing about the directional print I'd chosen for the sashing I ended up just cutting across the width of the fabric as usual. Since the sashing strips are only 2" wide (finished) I figured any discrepancy in the print would be minimal.

The border print is something I had planned to make curtains out of for our kitchen ~ two houses ago. The selvage was dated 1993. 'Nuff said ;- ) Now the challenge is to see whether I have anything that will be big enough to back this 70" x 84" top!

I sewed up a few more blocks out of scraps too:

Here's wishing everyone a lovely Easter...

from my nest to yours!


  1. Happy Easter Sue, not quite 11 p.m here and I am headed off to bed. Wanted to pop over and thank you for the nice comment the other day...birds of a feather and all that and me kid *VBS*
    Love the food quilt. It's scrambled enough to offer much of the same stimulation as a scrappy quilt...I like it alot. And using that otherwise planned fabric for the borders was inspired...great job! You can always go scrappy on the back too, get some of the older stash used up that way. I've been cutting a ton of 2.5" strips. Yes, I like that Strippy quilt process that much...LOL
    Big hugs, Finn

  2. I agree with Finn, my first thought for a back was large squares sewn together - use up the stash and continue the scrappiness. love how the border print looks too.
    a lovely Sunday to you too!

  3. This quilt is coming along great! You can always piece the backing. Sometimes I use two or three different pieces for the backs.

  4. Your food quilt really looks great. Now aren't you glad you a) never made those kitchen curtains and b) that you kept that fabric all this time?

    Thanks for the lovely flower photos. The pink tulips are really beautiful.

  5. I think your food quilt is fun! And that border fabric was just waiting for the right project, wasn't it? Great job!
    Your tulips are so pretty. My few that are left are only buds so far. Maybe soon I'll have some! Spring could hurry up a bit, no?


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