
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Seasonal Stitching

I'm finally feeling better again. At least until the next exposure comes along. I have a few things to catch up on, and to catch you up on, but I'm not going to try to do that all at one time. For now let me just tell you that the quilt I made for Ami Simms' Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative is now up for auction. You can see it and bid on it here.

I haven't been doing much (besides playing solitaire on the computer) lately, but I have made some progress on my little hearts wall hanging. Remember this?

This is what the back looks like at the moment:

And part of the front:

A real close up shot:

This is mindless stitching that sometimes fits the bill in terms of my energy level. I'm using two strands of a silk floss and one of rayon in my needle to get a varigated effect and a bit of sparkle. Before I started stitching I seriously considered using seed beads to quilt the background areas. Now I think beading the background would have involved less stitching and been quicker to do!


  1. What an adorable quilt! The stitching looks really fun, and it's always good to have a mindless project on hand.

  2. I agree, an easy stitch project always helps relax me.

  3. I agree, a mindless project is always good to have in progress. These days I'm knitting garter stitch shawls. I finished one and cast on the next one immediately.

    I hope you continue to feel better.

  4. At first I thought you'd sewn on bugle beads! Beads would have been a different but not a better choice than what you are doing. The more subtle shine of thread versus beads keeps the hearts the main focus.

  5. I love your heart quilt. And your stitching adds great shine and texture to it. Hand work is good to have for days when you need that's comtemplative work.

  6. I remember this. I adore the stitching.


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