
Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's A Bird!

Come into the birthing room for a sneak peek at one member of my little flock as it makes its way into the world:

It's all so surgical. I even use hemostats to help with the delivery. ;- )

I'll be sending most of my nestlings to Regina at Creative Kismet for the Birds of Change Exchange. Remember to stop by on the 20th though (that's only a few days away!) because I'll be taking applications (via comments) for a new home for one particular winged messenger.

Meanwhile, I thought I'd show you one of the few gifts I made this Christmas. Remember the Dilbert tie I found at the thrift shop? I first showed it in this post. Well, I turned it into a decorative pillow for my sister. Dilbert is one of those cartoons she really identifies with. I didn't think the black and red color scheme would work in her home decor all that well but she loves the pillow. Score!

And the back...

We've received our tasks for week two of Jump Start January. I swear, it's like Diane is holding a mirror up to my face that shows me all the things I've never seen in myself before! Amazing.


  1. What a great pillow you made from that tie. I'm sure your sister will love it.

    I'm intrigued by your bird and look forward to seeing the rest of him/her.

  2. Your bird is intriguing...

    My husband will gladly arm wrestle your sister for that pillow ~ he is a HUGE Dilbert fan. Great job on your part!!!

  3. last time I was in a birthing room it was rather uncomfortable - i much prefer being an on-looker!
    love the dilbert cushion. I read Dilbert all the time when i worked in an office. i would never have bought the tie - not new or second-hand - wouldnt have known what to do with it!

  4. Those tie pillows are great! Dilbert made me laugh out loud!
    I did a doubletake when I saw the sidebar photo of you with your GD #2 -- she looks so much like my DD #1 when she was a baby!

  5. That is an awesome pillow! I love the patchwork of ties on the back too! great job!


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