
Monday, September 29, 2008

Waiting It Out

Today is one of those days when I must have had an exposure to something that didn't give me headache but has left me with chills and depression. Or perhaps this is the tail end of yesterday's exposure to vehicle exhaust fumes. I don't know; I get tired of trying to figure it out. I just have to tie a knot in my rope and hang on until it passes.

(photo by Craig Jewell, lifted from

Saw this quote on Run Away Quilter's blog and had to copy it over for myself:

We have to trust our own choice after all,
and end with the simple belief that what pleases us is beautiful.
Indeed, no other rule is of any use to us,
and if we do but honestly please ourselves,
and make forms which genuinely give us pleasure, we shall find ourselves credited with the power of designing beautiful things.

--Richard Hatton

Maybe I'll go sew some scraps together...


  1. Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. Hope it passes soon and you can enjoy this beautiful sunshine while we have it!
    Thanks for that quote. Isn't that the truth?!

  2. Lovely quote and a perfect photo to go with the way you're feeling...

    belated comment on your Halloween quilt - FABULOUS!!!

    And that view you showed from your recent drive ~ oh, my ~ I wish we had something like that near here!

    Take care ... hope you're feeling better sooner rather than later!

  3. Lucky you because when feeling low, the only way to go is to go up. I have some tough issues in my life right now also. Family, friends and my Faith keep me going.


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