
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Back to Everyday Life

Our regional weather guy keeps saying there's been sunshine in the area but I sure haven't seen any lately. The sky outside my studio window always seems to be one shade of gray or another. Which is probably why I need these sunshine-yellow flowers on the back deck where I can seem them at meal times!

The temperatures are a little closer to what they're supposed to be for this time of year but the sunshine has a greater impact for me. I am grateful, however, that we have not suffered any tornadoes or cyclones or other natural (or man-made) disasters.

My friend C~ was over here the other day to show me a quilt she'd recently acquired, I think at an antique shop. Except that it's obviously not an antique. The 'boxes' are all made from a fabric I recognize but can't give you any details about because I don't remember where or when I've seen it before. The seller thought the centers of the boxes looked like prints from the 1970's.

It's quilted in a simple undulating line. There are a few small holes in the backing, through which C~ has determined that the batting may be an 80-20 poly-cotton blend. I think she said she paid all of $35 for the quilt. Pretty good deal, I'd say!

I finished my journal quilt for March but haven't photographed it yet. That leaves three more journal quilts to complete for the Bead Journal Project this year. February's quilt needs to be embellished, April and May have to be pieced and embellished. I have an idea for my Take It Further postcard quilt for this month's challenge. We'll see whether that actually gets made or not. And that swap quilt I had to make a second one of? The blogger I was going to swap with has disappeared from the 'net! She hasn't updated her blog in over a month, nor has she responded to my emails to her. I'm a little worried. I hope nothing horrible has happened in her world. I'd sure like to show you what I made though!


  1. The quilt is beautiful and bright... perfect for spring. 35$??? A steal!
    : )

    Thank you for your kind bloggy comments.

    I love visiting your blog.

    : )

  2. Those flowers are enough to cheer any day. What a gorgeous color. I like the quilts. What a deal she got.


  3. Hello there!! Looove your slowers. I am sending some sun!! Fun quilt!! Your friend did good!

  4. hey! I just wanted to stick my head in the door an say THANK YOU! for the wonderful pattern you sent to me! I got it yesterday! I love it! I love the ladies faces and how they are painted. The pattern is nice too! You are such a sweet heart!
    On other topics- I emailed my chicken quilt swap woman and asked if she liked it and she has never responded. I am pretending that she doesn't speak english (even though her blog is in english) and thats why she hasn't emailed me back. Very discouraging when folks act that way!
    I am still working on some hats, journals, bloomers and quilts! YIKES!!!!

  5. Great deal! It is fun to have a bright and cheerful quilt,holes make it even more cozy in my opinion. Thanks for sharing it with us.


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