
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Keep Your Fingers Crossed!

Well. Between the head cold and hormone fluctuations and chemical exposures it's been about two weeks since I've felt completely like myself. This is the second day in a row that I've felt this strong. Woohoo! Sure hope I can keep this up.

About the only stitching I've done in that time was to finish up my journal quilt...


Yes. Finally.

(I only wish I could get a better picture of it for you!)

You saw it most recently just after I'd swapped out the heart charm for the pirate head bead. I had thought I would use more skull beads, perhaps in a fringe, but once I got all the lime green seed beads on I decided it was done. I also had ideas for some three dimensional effects with the seed beads. That didn't happen either. Sometimes, apparently, less is more.

Part of what helped me to finish this in a more understated way were my husband's comments. I don't often seek out the opinions of others as I'm working on a piece but I was so stuck on this one that I broke that pattern. He was the one that finally gave me a title for this piece that sounded true to me: "Gatekeepers."

Now all I have to do is get caught up on my journal quilts for February, March, and April!


  1. Well, at least you are moving on ahead. I've been sidetracked by a few things but am getting them under control. Yes, TIF was one of the things I had to let go. I am a slow mover and just can't do as much as I'd like. It all looks like so much fun!

    Glad you are feeling better. Does the spring pollen get to you? Or is it strictly man-made chemicals?

  2. Well, Sue, I am just finishing my October page tonight, too. Have every other month except May done and that October page was just the bugger of the bunch.

    Love what you did with this page!

    Kathy V in NM

  3. Hope you are feeling better. Hormones cause chaos don't they.

    I love October and looking forward to seeing what you do for February March and April.

  4. This piece looks sophisticated and "dressy" if you can use that for a quilt. GLad you are feeling a little better.

  5. "Gatekeepers" is an astonishing title for this piece... makes it real for me... love it! I think you may have put some of April's fluctuations and exposures in this piece. I wonder what the function of the "gatekeepers" is for you right now??? Congrats on one more completed BJP piece!!!!

    Robin A.

  6. I like it! It rocks! Tell hubby- good title too. Very good piece! I can't believe you got snow! man! winter may never end- eh?


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