
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Back in Business - Yippee!

So let's see... where was I?

Oh yes; remember that preemie quilt I made out of the orphan crazy patch blocks? (If not, it's at the bottom of this post.) Well, I saved one of the patches from the block I took completely apart because it was so cool I wanted to play with it myself! I slapped it down on a 4 x 6" piece of Warm & Natural and then went looking for some other fabrics that would complement it. Since the starter patch featured a parrot on a purple background I went with a sort of jungle theme. Once it was pieced I had to add some beads and sequins ;- ) I also added a bit of embroidery to give the parrot something to perch on. Anyway, it's done now, except for applying a back and finishing the edges.

This was a lot of fun to do. You can understand my frustration at not being able to share it with you!

I lost another day yesterday. Can't say exactly what the problem was but I have my suspicions. Today I have been hand sewing on a secret project. It's made entirely of batiks, including this one:

I have a teaching gig this weekend. Hold a good thought for me will you? I'm down to two teaching opportunities a year and last month I all but bailed out because of my health issues. Fortunately the ladies were able to carry on without me once I got them started but I need to be present this time. I also need to pull a palette of fabrics to use for my demo so maybe I should get busy with that...


  1. Is this your March or April BJP? Or just for fun? It came out terrifically.

  2. The sequins are a wonderful touch. They definitely add to the play between light and dark

  3. The parrot quilt looks lovely. Quilting is the perfect antidote to poor health - the concentration needed helps us to block out bad thoughts and feelings. Keep quilting!


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