
Friday, December 28, 2007

A Quiet Day at Home

Another block, another quickie post. Thank goodness we are not snowed in like the homes in this block!

My sister was here for about 24 hours. We talked and shopped for all we were worth! I was pleasantly surprised at how well I held up during our shopping expedition. Even better, I hit the jackpot in terms of purchases. Two pairs of slippers, a new purse, two calendars, a postcard book of rainforest images (if you can buy or borrow the book the pictures were taken from do it!), and a tin heart from Mexico that I intend to use as a focal point on a wall or journal quilt. Seems like there might have been something else as well but it escapes me at the moment. Today I am tired but feeling well. Tomorrow I go to my daughter's to tend the babies while she runs errands.

We had a lovely Christmas. DD had to drag little Miss M out of bed to see what Santa had brought for her. The adults were more excited than she was! She quickly got into the swing of things though :- ) I didn't even turn the computer on for a couple of days so I don't have any pictures downloaded yet to share with you.

I have done a little stitching during the course of the week. First I put some beads and buttons on a Bead Round Robin block that is now on its' way home. Then I started embellishing my December journal quilt. I have beads picked out for my October/November journal quilt and a second Round Robin block that I get to work on. I'm a little worried that I won't be able to get a good picture of the Round Robin block. There's some gorgeous embroidery on it but I'm afraid it won't show up well. We'll see.

Over the course of the next few days I hope to spend some time thinking about my goals for the coming year. Mostly in the area of my creative endeavors. I have to find a way to "just say no" to all of the enticing opportunities I find on the web! I think I'm already over-committed as it is. At the same time, however, those rainforest images are calling to me. I want to use them as a jumping off point for new work. How do you cope with all the ideas you have vs. the time/energy you have available?


  1. I love your block! I am glad you had a nice visit with your sister! Your Christmas sounds like you had fun too! That is wonderful! Happy New Year!

  2. I love your Christmas blocks and I look forward to seeing the completed top.

    How do I cope with lots of ideas and limited time? I always take on the projects that are really calling to me, and I don't mind having multiple things going at once. For me it's all about playing and having fun.

  3. That quilt block is wonderful! Reminds me of an Ohio Star wall quilt I made ages and ages ago with slightly different colors.

    I am a longtime multi-tasker (blame it on raising six kids while being a career woman) -- I tend to have a knit or crochet project going so that I can take a break from beading and adjust the focus of my eyes. I just enjoy doing any and all of my projects no matter what it takes to finish them!

    Happy New Year, Sue!

    Kathy V in NM

  4. I've usually got at least a couple of different projects going and then if a really great idea comes along, I jot it down in my little notebook I carry around with me everywhere, right in my purse next to my camera.

  5. Hi Sue... just checkin' in to wish you a Happy New Year! Hope you don't say "no" to sticking with the BJP. Love your snowed-in-houses block! Very nice fabric choices. See you next year... ;) Robin


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