
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bet You're Tired of Looking at this Almost-Quilt!

It feels sooo good to be productive again. I have been working on the baby quilt; it is ready to baste and quilt. I even have the backing ready. As I'm looking at it I'm thinking, "That's a lot of houses to go around!" I'm not comfortable with my free motion quilting skills yet. It may be time consuming and a bit tedious, but I think it might actually be quicker for me to just stitch in the ditch around the houses and their windows and doors. We'll see. Once I get started I may change my mind and figure out some other, easier/quicker quilting pattern!

The sashing strips ended up being less involved than I originaly planned. I was going to try to include some more of the cats (which you can see running vertically between two houses in the second row from the top) lower in the quilt and maybe horizontally again. In my haste to just get this thing together I completely forgot about that idea. I wanted to include some more of the balloons lower in the quilt too, but the scale of the print was too big for the spaces I had left. This will do. It wasn't meant to be a masterpiece after all!

DD has an appointment with the ultrasound folks on Monday. Doctor is concerned that the baby may be small for this stage of the game. Baby doesn't feel small to Momma! DD is a very petite woman with a very petite frame. Most people who see her don't believe she is about two weeks away from delivering (she's getting very tired of, "There's no way you could be 9 months pregnant!"). Suffice to say that those of us in the know expect the baby to be just the right size. At least this way we get another picture and can check again to see whether the baby still looks like a girl!


  1. glad you're feeling good and productive - woohoo!

  2. Upon enlarging the quilt picture and peering in the windows of your houses, I had to smile. The fabrics are very fun. Love the racing felines! Nice work!
    Hugs, Carol

  3. Hi Sue, looks like things are coming along just great! The houses look fantastic, and I'm sure the quilting will be fine. Babies are soooo non-critical, you know..*VBS* Keeping my fingers crossed that it's still looking like a girl! Hugs, Finn

  4. Oooh, your orphan houses look really bright and cheery! Love the way this quilt looks. Glad to hear you're feeling productive, can you send some of those vibes my way?


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