
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Yippee! Productivity!

In spite of the low-grade headache I had most of the day yesterday I was able to finally find some embellishments I thought would be fun to use on a doll body for the Comfort Dolls Project (see link in sidebar). The body was made about 5 years ago so she's been very patient with me, waiting for her adornments! I'm quite pleased with the way she turned out:

The flowers are glass beads, the "vine" is a ball chain I picked up at Wal-Mart some time ago (back when I would still venture into that store). I thought it worked very well.

That success inspired me to add a little more "hair" to the first doll I worked on:

Maybe she's done now. ;- )

When I couldn't post my accomplishments to my blog last night (it was that bewitched time of day when Blogger doesn't cooperate) I surfed some other blogs. I got hooked by the 6x4 Lives challenge at Sharon B's blog. There's so much to see and to read on her blog that I hadn't really looked into it on previous visits. As I read about it last night, however, my mind conjured up all sorts of possibilities for the 6x4 postcard format. I've made fabric postcards before, but using that format for personal experimentation or recordkeeping had never occurred to me (duh!). I got so inspired that this morning I have been going through my stash of batting bits and pieces, cutting them to either 4" x 6" or 8.5" x 11" for my journal quilts.

I haven't come across any yet that were big enough for more placemats. There's another bin for the bigger pieces of batting. Maybe when I get into that one I'll also find a piece to use in the baby quilt I'm supposed to be finishing up for the wee one due at the end of August or early September!


  1. Your dolls are lovely! I think someone will love having either one of them.

  2. Glad you are feeling a little better at least..*VBS* I love the dolls...makes me wonder if I could do that or not? I like the idea of using fabric that begins the 'feeling' and personality of the doll.
    Somewhere I have seen a link to the website that has the free patterns for the Comfort Doll and others..I'll have to check.
    Regarding the batting, is the 8 X 11 for pages of quilt journal vs. a postcard?? Hugs, Finn

  3. Love your doll for the comfort dolls...Doesn't it feel awesome to use our talents for such a great cause!

  4. The dolls arrived smiling and made me smile as well. Thank you for contributing to this wonderful cause. We are headed on our fourth shelter. Awesome!


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