
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

We Have Achieved Functionality! (Hurray!)

I'm feeling better today. It's supposed to get hotter than usual for this area however so we'll see how long I last. My plan for escape from the heat has been foiled by the Department of Transportation. Road work is being done on the major thoroughfare between here and my "safe spot" on the coast. I feel more able to make the drive today than I have in days but the DoT will have one lane of the two lane hiway closed for repairs. That means I will have to sit in exhaust fumes in order to get to the coast at all. Because it is on an island there's no way to avoid this traffic tie-up. If I get desperate enough I may give it a try. At least the road home will still be open and by then I will be feeling refreshed (in theory anyway).

For your viewing pleasure today we have "The Luv Shack." I made this as a Valentine for my DH seven years ago. It might measure 8" x 10". It's certainly no bigger than that!

I want to give you a couple of links to check out. First, Pat at Gatherings has come up with a wonderful way for fiber artists to bless the lives of women who are starting over after leaving abusive relationships. Read about her Comfort Doll Project here and see if you can find the time to make a little treasure to lift someone else's spirits at an especially difficult time in her life.

My next offering is a political cartoon. You have been forewarned! If I had the skills I would just put the cartoon here on my blog but I hope you will take a moment to click here and go check it out. I really don't think anyone will find it offensive, unless you or someone you love works for the FDA or a major drug company.

I have been tagged by Finn at Pieces From My Scrapbag to do a meme. This will be my first one ever! I'm having to spend some time thinking about my answers so I plan to respond to her "Monday MeMe" on Monday next. Stay tuned!


  1. Hi Sue, love the luv shack...what a great creative job you did! Fun with a capital F!
    I checked out Gatherings, a neat blog and not so far from my corner of the world.
    And I looked at the comfort dolls, some really neat patterns there. A definite maybe for me..*VBS* I look forward to a Monday MeMe from you...Hugs, Finn
    P.S. glad you feeling a bit better.

  2. Hi Sue!

    Regarding the cartoon. Maybe killer drugs are the US way to keep down population. Cynical, I know. :-o

    Glad you are feeling better!

  3. sweet valentine. hope you make it to the beach for some lovely fresh air. be well!

  4. I must admit I thought that excuting the guy was a bit drastic but then promoting the guy in FDA is just plain insulting.

    The comfort doll idea is wonderful and I will certainly make an effort to do one.

    I would avoid the fumes, nasty, nasty toxic fumes.


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