
Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday MeMe!

Okay, in response to Finn's tagging me for this meme, here we go!

5 Things To Do Before I Die:

Overcome or recover from my chemical sensitivities
Make a family heritage quilt
Swim with dolphins
Visit the American Visionary Museum and Charm City Cakes in Baltimore, Maryland
Go to Lego Land (with or without grandchildren!)

5 Things I Can Do:

Visually identify nearly all of the dog breeds currently recognized by the AKC
Give a man a decent haircut
Read in a moving vehicle - as long as there's no scenery to look at!
Always find room for more beads, sequins, or fabric!

5 Things I Cannot Do... Yet:

Eat pizza, grilled cheese sandwiches, strawberry shortcake (and a whole host of other yummie foods)
Keep a clean house
Decide what picture or image to use for my blog portrait
Stop eating chocolate (I found one that falls within my dietary restrictions!)
Move to a Caribbean island

5 Things That Attract Me to the Opposite Sex:

A healthy sense of humor

5 Celebrity Crushes:

Cary Grant
Pierce Brosnan
Matthew McConaughey
Cap'n Jack Sparrow

5 People I'd Like to Do This (Tag! You're it!):

Atet at Quilting in Cornfields
Barb at Why Not?
Beadin' Gram
Janet at I'm Going Crazy; You Come Too

This was fun to do. I came up with twice as many Celebrity Crushes as I needed! What does that say about me? Coming up with things I Can Do was a bit of a challenge. Made me think outisde of the box as it were. Figuring out who to tag was the hardest part! I read so many blogs in a given week, across so many different categories of interest, it was difficult to know who might be of a mind to play this game. Hopefully I have chosen well. Now I have to go tell them they've been tagged!

I do have a show and tell for later today...


  1. Ooh! Ooh! Margaret, Alan, Phil, and I want to go to Legoland with you! :)

  2. Oh no, not me!! Give me some time to think - like 5 years. lol

  3. Hi Sue, great job!! Your celebs are fun, I'm sticking to mine, but yours are GOOD ones!
    And what's with pizza, etc? Allergies? Soft stuff? what gives with that??? Inquiring minds need to know...LOL
    About a block?? Yes, that would be delightful...and yes, the gals are sending 6.5" unfinished..any colors, scrappy or even orphan will do. I think Paula is sending an orphan red and white. Hugs, Finn

  4. Hi Sue,
    this looks like a tough challenge for me, but I'll give it a shot. I enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your works. The baby quilt is going to be a treasure. I like the center block best, too, but they are wonderful all together.
    Janet in Colorado


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