
Friday, June 1, 2007

So, the last time I posted I did try to put up an image at the end of my post. I think it was a Blogger issue, not me, and hopefully my pictures will load today.

Hurray! Here it is! This is how far I have come with the Fabric of Life challenge quilt. The rectangles are bordered with the second fat quarter of fabric from the Here Je Center (an orange tone-on-tone stripe). The border is cut from another single fat quarter that I had in my stash. The two side borders were originally close to the same size as the top and bottom borders but had such a dramatic curve to their outer edges that I felt I had to do something about it. There's actually more tension or movement now that they are smaller too. They may get narrower yet; we'll see. I rather like the slope at the bottom edge but it may also be too steep for me to cope with. At this point I just need to find some more prints that I like with what I've got. I have one more fat quarter in my stash that I'd really like to use but I have to be sure of what I'm going to do with it before I cut into it because that fat quarter is all I've got. There's no room for mistakes or miscuts or for changing my mind midstream! So I have been making experimental pieces in other fabrics and trying them out. I'm close to finding the look I want but not quite there yet...

In the meantime, I have put the binding on the commissioned dorm quilt. It will be picked up this afternoon if all goes well. It's a very lovely quilt, due mostly to the efforts of Heather at Quilted Designs who did the machine quilting. The intended recipient apparently has very minimalist taste. The piecing consists solely of five strips of fabric sewn together in two alternating colors: black-green-black-green-black. I hope she likes it!

We had a rather chaotic day here yesterday what with DS#2 coming and going and DD and DGD coming over to spend the afternoon. Also had to take the dog to the groomer. Just walking into the grooming salon gave me a headache for the rest of the day. Then when DGD dragged me out into the yard to watch her run the circuit she had created for herself I apparently was exposed to some other invisible toxins. (I didn't think to put my mask on. Someday I'll learn!) I had to lay down when we came in and then I also had to send my children out to pick up the dog from the groomer's. {sigh} Aside from the slight headache leftover from yesterday's exposures I feel much better today. Unfortunately, DD#2 ate some bad food yesterday and is now on the couch trying to recover from an extended bout of vomiting. What a way to spend his vacation!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, this is looking really fun. I like the unevenness of the borders and I hope you keep that slope on the bottom - I think it adds some zing.I feel for you with the headache - there is all sorts of pollen here that is sending me over the edge with headaches. Hurts to be indoors, hurts to be outdoors. Aiyee.


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