
Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The Purpose of This Blog...

I mentioned in my previous post that I wanted to share what I do with others. I also want to have a source of accountability for myself. So very many times I say I want to do one thing or another for my own benefit and then it doesn't happen. Sometimes life gets in the way, sometimes it's pure avoidance. This will be where I hold myself accountable for those things that I say I want to do.

The other aspect of this blog will be to educate the reader about the ups and downs of life as a chemically sensitive individual in the 21st century. Hopefully that will be kept to a minimum as it is not especially uplifting. It is, however, a major factor of my life now and impacts every moment of every day. For example, I need to re-cover my design wall so I can take photographs of my quilts and works-in-progress to share with you. It is currently covered in a light yellow flannel. That hasn't been an issue for me as I've worked on projects but I figure it could pose challenges in photography. Sixty inch wide white flannel isn't as easy to come by as I had hoped it would be! One twin sheet will cost me $16.00 plus shipping. I can get 45" wide flannel but then I'd have a seam running down the middle of my design wall. I can get 90" wide flannel but then it's way bigger than the spot I have for my design wall (there's an electric wall heater on that wall; I'd just as soon not start any fires!). I did find a 54" wide flannel but I'm concerned it will shrink more than I want it to when I wash it. And I will have to wash it to remove any fragrances it may have picked up along the way and to remove the chemicals used in the finishing processes. I briefly thought about using a needlepunched cotton batting but it will also have to be laundered and they don't recommend doing that until it's in the middle of a quilt! Polyester needlepunched batting is out because it's polyester (petrochemical byproduct: boo, hiss). So for the moment I'm thinking 90", wash it, cut it down. Maybe even hem the raw edges if I get ambitious (ha!). We'll see.

I took a few pictures with the new digital camera but still have to learn how to get them into the computer and onto the blog. ;- )

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